IPV6-Config in Ubuntu Linux is a simple OS, and you can almost define every system configure as you like. Today's problem is about IPV6. In Windows or Mac, ipv6 config is done automaticlly by the system. However, in Linux, 2019-12-03 Skill #Linux #Network
Md-quick-show 花里胡哨工具集 - 001 关于新坑: 这里挖了一个新坑,这一个系列叫做Fansy tools合集,用来介绍各种各样玄妙的工具~~~ 2019-11-26 Develop #Tools #Markdown
Linux QQ Bug Fix As Tecent Inc. has updated their QQ for linux. Although this project is really silly and out-of-date, we have to admit that this version of QQ is one of the stablest version in Linux. 2019-11-09 Skill #Linux #Linux Software