Rebuild My Home - 01 Get ready

Why Ubuntu?

In the very beginnning in this serials of tutorial, I wanna quote some words from Mr. Richard Feyman.

What I cannot create, I do not understand.

Linux family systems do highly respect their users. They have sudo option to allow users to do anything they want to do (Somethings may cause some big trouble). So, if you can understand the constucture and master some knowledge about computer science, Linux is a really wonderful choice.

But why Ubuntu?

Actually, there are many reasons. Firstly, I wanna say Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux version in the world. There are enough informantion and resources about Ubuntu (You will find how important it is later). Another reason is my personal preference, I regard Ubuntu is one of the most elegant system in the world, light, easy to use, beautiful GUI, fast, easy to build. All in all, Ubuntu is the best system in my eyes.

So, let our story begin.


FFFFirst things(Why 4 Fs, Hmmm, there are 4 very very important things, I cannot sort their importance) are:

Install vim

Hmm, I wanna emphasize here that vi is not vim. They are different apps.

sudo apt install vim

And if you are a really green hand on Linux. I recommand some other tools for you.

sudo apt install nano
sudo apt install gedit
sudo apt install geany

There editors are all quite easy to get and easy to use.

Change the source

As I am a Chinese, the official source is too slow for me.

Here I recommand a tool:

repository file generator

You can genetate a new source config file easily.

And then you just need to backup your old source config and create a new file here. Just like this:

sudo cp /etc/apt/source.list /etc/apt/source.list.old
sudo vim /etc/apt/source.list
# copy the source.list generated before

Update source

And don't forget to update your source after change the source.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Build proxy

It's essential for Chinese users, many forums and resources are unavailable unless you have VPN. (But I won't teach you how to build proxy here, I will show you about it in another tutorial)

Rebuild My Home - 01 Get ready
Chivier Humber
Posted on
February 11, 2020
Licensed under