Shut Auto-discovering devices

Well, you may say, 'Hey, Chivier, It's really convenient that Ubuntu can automatically add new web-devices like printers, scanners. Why are you going to shut it down?'

First I wanna say that, it's UNSAFE. In many special places, maybe they will have some strange devices which are covered up just like printers. For example, I wanna hack into your computer, I bought something just like a printer and use some tricks to pack it up, and your computer may recognize it as a printer. However, I will program some dirty thing into auto setup program. And now, get it?

Second, it will generate many useless messages into my computer. Many many use less HTTP GET requests and responses. It's awful when you are catching packets in wireshark or something else.

So, let's figure out how to shut this function down.

Fist step is to modify the configure file.

vim /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf

Add BrowseProtocols none and BrowseRemoteProtocols none.

Second run following.

service cups-browsed restart
service cups restart

When you wanna to turn this function on, just do something reverse~

Shut Auto-discovering devices
Chivier Humber
Posted on
September 22, 2019
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